1·Then he moved to Edinburgh, the capital and largest urban centre of Scotland.
2·Situated within the Park, the museum offers a urban centre point of important pathways and view axis.
3·The urban centre blends into the surrounding landscape, which contains vital relics of the mining and metallurgical activities of the past.
4·Today Oxford is a large, busy city, but the ancient university buildings in the centre have remained largely untouched by the urban expansion.
5·In "Aerotropolis", John Kasarda of the University of North Carolina and his co-author, Greg Lindsay, convincingly put the airport at the centre of modern urban life.
6·In any event, other trends suggest that for every Timmy Willie, there is a Johnny Town-Mouse: many people like urban life and want to go on living in a city, particularly the centre.
不管怎么说,有的迹象显示有蒂米•威利(Timmy Willie)就会有城市鼠约翰尼(Johnny Town-Mouse)存在(译注:2):很多喜欢城市生活的人希望住到城市里,特别是住到市中心去。
7·There are conditions: they must have been working in urban areas for at least three years, or for five years if they want to transfer their hukou to the centre of Chongqing.
8·These maps of Australia and Ireland show how population is concentrated in urban areas with virtually no people registered in the north and centre of Australia.
9·Beyond the building constructed on the southern front, the plan is organized flexibly, in an iron horseback shape, revealing at the centre of the urban complex the space devoted to the children.
10·The Triana Ceramic Centre seeps into the quarter complex plot tissue, creating a rich urban inner landscape.